Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 After much procrastination I finally got to work on the bridge and river areas and the City of Brooklyn Heights.

The railroad bridge between Fort Greene and Brooklyn Heights is a Walthers dual track arched Pratt truss bridge and is 23" (166 scale feet) long.  It spans the Gowanus River which separates the two cities.

In actuality the neighborhood of Fort Green is not next to the neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights in Brooklyn, NY and the Gowanus is not a fast flowing clean river.  The Gowanus is a canal that is fairly dirty and ugly.  My railroad, my imagination.

The structures in the images below are from Walthers, City Classics, Downtown Deco and Carl's 3D Printing Emporium (the monument).  The auto bridge and Union Station are from Dick Wegner's layout.

The first three images are views of Brooklyn Heights.

Before any of you prototype guys say anything I know that a real railroad would not run a steam locomotive through an underground passenger station as in the image.  It's my railroad and every passenger is issued a gas mask.

Gowanus "River" bridge with a short freight crossing

The last is the view from Fort Greene towards Brooklyn Heights.  Two of the Downtown Deco structures have been completed by my artistic assistant (Marianne) and two others are under construction.  Two more a waiting to be started.

I will be adding more scenic details but the major work on the scene is done.