Friday, October 15, 2021

Working on the mockups of the towns of Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge and the industrial area behind Fuhgeddaboudit Yard.

A few pics of the mockups.  (For the photographers out there - disregard the sloppy Photoshop clone job of the sky in the first two pics)

The backdrops are from Realistic Backgrounds.  The 13" x 38" backdrops are only $12 each and look very good against the blue painted walls.

Two shots of Bensonhurst

Bay Ridge is an industrial town near Fuhgeddaboudit Yard

Industrial area behind Fuhgeddaboudit Yard

I was targeting the end of October to finish the scenery in these areas but it looks more like end of November.

Then onto the lower level construction and the climb to the upper level.