Friday, May 8, 2020

Reverse loop through Fuhgeddaboudit Yard is in, powered and tested using a PSX-AR autoreverser.  Most likely I will change the two PSX-AR autoreversers for the yard and mainline loops to a two port Frog-AR which cuts the cost per autoreverse loop about in half.

The mainline loop will not have a high current load since the maximum number of locos on the loop at any one time may be three.  The yard loop will have a higher power requirement with up to five or six locos.  Assuming two yard switchers sorting cars plus three or four road engines moving in and out of the servicing area.

I plan to use the switches in the turnout motors to turn power off and on to individual tracks in the loco servicing area.  The two switches in the Circuitron Tortoises have a maximum current rating of one amp and I will use one for powering the turnout frog so I cannot run a parallel electrical path through both switches.  The DCC Concepts Cobalts have two switches and each switch is rated at five amps so I will be able to use one of the switches to turn power on and off to individual tracks and the other switch for the frog.  Problem is that the Cobalts are out of stock due to some parts coming from China.  I will be calling DCC Concepts (UK company) tomorrow to get and update.

DCC Concepts also has some interesting control systems for turnouts that I am looking into.

Well, so much for the boring stuff.  I did get a Big Boy and DD-40 consist going.  Just took a while to speed match them.  Low quality iPhone video below.

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