I finished the mainline test of my DCC equipped locos.
Out of the 23 DCC equipped locos three have either completely or partially lost their minds while sitting idle for a long time. Sound human??
Two of the three are 20 year old Rivarossi's with Arnold decoders. One does not run at all on DCC but I will fire up a DC power pack and test it with DC. The other is being stubborn and will not accept changes to CV's as listed in the original manual that came with the locomotive. It runs but there is so much momentum cranked in it takes about 20 feet of track to stop.
The other is a Broadway Limited Pennsy T-1 duplex. It would not take commands when I first powered it up then ran ok after a reset using CV 8. Ran for a while and then stopped. Light stays on but will not reset or take commands. I will be doing a manual reset as in the DCC instructions but I will need to get into the tender.
Anyway, I did test a freight train behind an Athearn Genesis Big Boy. Tracked well at varying speeds in forward and reverse.
I did make a couple of repairs to the freight cars that have been sitting in boxes. How does something break sitting in a box? Maybe due to being moved seven times over the past 20 years.