Sunday, March 22, 2020

A little layout status update

I started laying track for the mainline for a section of the upper level.  I had expected to complete laying track, dropping feeders, running the track buss and testing by the middle of this week.

Well there are expectations and there is reality.  I may have the track laying complete by mid week.  Then add the feeders and buss to be ready for testing by next weekend.

I was scheduled to host this coming Thursday.  Since our get togethers are on hold it looks like I will be having all the fun alone.

By testing I mean running all my locos.  DCC locos first and then switching power to a power pack and testing the DC locos.  Forward, reverse, slow, medium and fast.  Then add cars and repeat.

Oh, oh I just did a count of my locos.  Turns out I have 23 DCC equipped and 48 DC locos.  I must have had a lot of senior moments since I do not remember when I bought all this stuff.  I guess I blacked out and wound up at train shows.

1 comment:

  1. Tom, Clearly you need some additional locomotives.
